
It is important to get one’s tools as sharp as possible.  I have a good set of wet stones, ending in a very fine polishing stone.  I can achieve a pretty good edge with these, but some how it was not as razor sharp as I would like.  Razors are stropped as a final step, to produce a smooth ultimately sharp edge.  So ….. I decided to build myself a power strop.

Call me ‘frugal’, or maybe it is just that I like to see what I can make with odd parts.  I took the motor out of a an old dishwasher that was out on the curb for the trash.  Built a little stand to hold the motor, made a disk out of some good plywood I have around, added a top piece of leather I ordered on-line, and rubbed in some 1 micron diamond polishing compound.

Boy does this thing put a mirror finish and a razor edge on tools quickly!  Just a few seconds and you are ready to shave the hair off the back of your arm.  Have not used things yet, but I also think that when tools get a bit dull a quick power strop will restore the razor edge without having to get out the sharpening stones.

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