Setting up the new shop, in the new smaller house is almost complete. I have had to make a number of adjustments to deal with a smaller space, but I think it will work. Painted the walls white, ran two new 20 amp circuits, new light switches, shelving, pegboard. I’m going to have to be neater. Even a small number of things left around makes the workspace crowded. I’ve incorporated some of the ideas from setting up the Florida shop, also a small space. Things like mounting a router under the end of a plywood top on the workbench, so I have a router table and work table all in one. I also really like the new LED shop lights. Bright, don’t draw much current, no buzzing, last for a long time, and come on instantly. After I start working I may put up some additional lighting, or move the existing strips around to yield a better shadow-less workspace. The bigger machines, bandsaw, thickness sander, and drill press are out in the garage, with the big dust collector.