
I’m trying to finish.  To get to the finish one must do the finishing, and finishing is somehow never finished.

Doing finishing is probably my least favorite part of a build.  I like to get a shiny surface, but that shows every little bubble and every little dust mote.  One can always give the finish a light sanding, and apply another coat, but this very possibility means that one must at some point declare ‘enough is enough’.  Because I do a hand rubbed finish (I don’t have spray equipment, and don’t have any place to install it if I did have the equipment) there is always the possibility of a little dust or bubble or something.  I do the finishing in the closet of my son’s old room because the room is not used, and can be kept pretty free of floating dust.  The closet provides a convenient place to hang things too.

I do enjoy seeing the instruments begin to glow and shine but it is a slow and nerve wracking process.

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