
It is fretting time.  I buy fretwire in straight pieces, and then cooked up a little fret bender to bend it into the proper fingerboard radius.  Unlike many builders I cut and finish the ends of my frets before they are installed.  I can get a nice rounded fret end with a nice polish. since I am doing it off the instrument.  The frets are cut to rough length, then the ends are filed square and to the exact length. A few swipes of the file to start rounding the fret end, and then a finish rounding/polish on a fine polishing wheel.  I do things to all the frets in stages (cut to rough length, filed to final length, round and polish), stacking them up in a little numbered board.

One thing I have done for a while is when I am filing the frets to length I back bevel the fret tang (the part that goes down in the fret slot to hold the fret in place).  I do this because as fingerboards age they tend to shrink a bit while the fret does not.  This can leave those ends of the tangs sticking out the side of the fingerboard, which is not pleasant on the hands and requires some repair shop work to make things smooth again.  With the back bevel, the fret tangs will never stick out.

I also think it makes a neater final look on the edge of the fingerboard with no tangs showing.

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