“finishing up” – part 2

I realize that a little expansion on discussion of using Tru-Oil might be of interest.  Specifically what I use to apply it.  I make little pad spreaders to both spread drops of Tru-Oil around, and to do the careful wipe off with the grain to yield the final surface.

I make these little pads from blue shop towels.  I find that these have less texture than regular paper towels and seem to leave a better finish.  I cut the towels up into 2 inch squares (roughly). I then fold two edges in towards the middle, and then fold that in half to yield a pad 4 layers thick, with no ‘edges’ showing.

Then I take that long thin piece, fold it in half the other way, and clip the ends together with a small spring clip.  I can then spread the resultant ‘loop’ out to give a nice small pad, with a nice handle from the spring clip.

Since Tru-Oil hardens on exposure to air/oxygen I decant a small amount into small plastic bottles (available at most art or craft supply stores), and mix in the mineral spirits.   Between finish sessions I squeeze out all the air, and put on the cap.  This seems to keep the Tru-Oil from hardening quite well.

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